A Taste of Exquisite Sweetness

Kermanshah Fig, originating from the enchanting province of Kermanshah in Iran, are a true delight for fig enthusiasts around the world. These figs, grown in the fertile soil and ideal climate of Kermanshah, are renowned for their exceptional flavor, unique characteristics, and cultural significance. In this article, we will delve into the distinct qualities, culinary uses, and historical importance of Kermanshah figs.

Distinct Qualities of Kermanshah Figs:

Kermanshah figs possess distinctive qualities that set them apart. They are typically medium to large in size, with a round or slightly elongated shape. The skin of Kermanshah figs showcases a beautiful array of colors, ranging from green to purple, often adorned with a delicate bloom. When fully ripe, the flesh of Kermanshah figs becomes tender, juicy, and succulent. Their flavor is an exquisite blend of sweetness and richness, with notes of honey, caramel, and a hint of floral undertones. The texture is soft and luscious, making each bite a true indulgence.

Culinary Uses of Kermanshah Figs:

Kermanshah figs lend themselves to a wide range of culinary applications, adding a touch of elegance and sweetness to various dishes. Here are some popular ways to enjoy Kermanshah figs:

Fresh Consumption: Kermanshah figs are a delightful treat when enjoyed fresh. Simply rinse them and bite into their juicy flesh to experience their natural sweetness and unique flavor profile.

Desserts and Baked Goods: Kermanshah figs are a wonderful addition to desserts and baked goods. They can be used in tarts, pies, cakes, and pastries, enhancing the taste and adding a burst of natural sweetness.

Cheese and Charcuterie Boards: Kermanshah figs pair beautifully with an assortment of cheeses and cured meats. Their sweet flavor and soft texture complement the savory notes, creating a harmonious balance on cheese and charcuterie boards.

Preserves and Chutneys: Kermanshah figs can be transformed into delightful preserves, jams, or chutneys. These condiments can be enjoyed with bread, crackers, or used as accompaniments to cheese platters.

Historical and Cultural Significance:

Kermanshah figs have a rich historical and cultural significance in the region. The cultivation of figs in Kermanshah dates back thousands of years, and the fig trees have become an integral part of the local landscape and traditions. In addition to their culinary value, Kermanshah figs have been used in traditional medicine and are deeply rooted in local folklore and stories, symbolizing fertility, abundance, and the connection between humans and nature.

Kermanshah FigHealth Benefits:

Beyond their delectable taste, Kermanshah figs offer a range of health benefits. They are a good source of dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals, including potassium and calcium. Incorporating Kermanshah figs into a balanced diet can support digestive health, contribute to heart health, and provide essential nutrients for overall well-being.

Appearance characteristic of Kermanshah fig

The “Kermanshah” fig is a variety of fig that is known for its distinctive characteristics. Here are some of the key physical features of the Kerman fig:

  • Color:The Kermanshahfig typically has a greenish-yellow to light green skin when ripe.
  • Size: Kermanshahfigs are medium to large in size, with a plump and rounded shape.
  • Shape: The figs have a symmetrically rounded shape with a slightly tapered neck.
  • Skin Texture: The skin of the Kermanshah fig is smooth and thin, making it easy to eat.
  • Flesh: The flesh of the Kermanshah fig is a vibrant pink to red color. It is juicy, soft, and sweet.
  • Seeds: Kermanshah figs may contain small, crunchy seeds that are dispersed throughout the flesh.
  • Flavor: The flavor of the Kermanshah fig is renowned for its sweetness and rich taste. It has a honey-like sweetness with a hint of berry notes.
  • Harvest Time: Kermanshah figs are typically harvested in late spring to early summer, depending on the climate and growing conditions.

Tonic drink for health with Kermanshah figs


  • 1 cup dried Kermanshah figs
  • 4 cups water
  • 1 tablespoon honey (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
  • A pinch of ground cinnamon (optional)
  • Ice cubes

Wash the dried Kermanshah figs thoroughly under running water to remove any impurities.
In a saucepan, combine the washed figs with 4 cups of water.
Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat, then reduce the heat to low and let it simmer for about 20-25 minutes. This will soften the figs and infuse the water with their flavor and nutrients.
Once the figs have softened and the water has turned into a rich syrup-like consistency, remove the saucepan from the heat and let it cool slightly.
Strain the liquid using a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth to separate the fig pulp from the liquid. Press down gently on the fig pulp to extract as much liquid as possible.
Discard the fig pulp or reserve it for other recipes.
Stir in honey (if using), fresh lemon juice, and ground cinnamon into the strained fig-infused liquid until well combined.
Transfer the tonic drink to a glass pitcher and refrigerate until chilled.
Serve the tonic drink over ice cubes in glasses, garnished with a slice of lemon or a fresh fig for an extra touch of flavor and elegance.
This tonic drink made with Kermanshah figs is not only delicious but also packed with nutrients and health benefits. It’s a refreshing way to incorporate the goodness of figs into your daily diet while staying hydrated and energized. Enjoy this wholesome beverage as part of your wellness routine!

The best storage conditions for Kermanshah figs

  1. Refrigeration:Figs are perishable fruits, and refrigeration helps to extend their shelf life. Store Kermanshah figs in the refrigerator to slow down the ripening process. Place them in the crisper drawer to maintain optimal humidity.
  2. Ventilation:Ensure good ventilation to prevent moisture buildup, which can lead to mold growth. Use perforated plastic bags or place the figs in a container with holes to allow air circulation.
  3. Avoid Crowding:Do not overcrowd the figs when storing them. Arrange them in a single layer to prevent bruising and facilitate better air circulation, which helps maintain freshness.
  4. Temperature:Keep the refrigerator temperature between 32°F to 40°F (0°C to 4°C) for optimal fig storage. Avoid placing figs near items that emit ethylene gas, as it can accelerate ripening.
  5. Check for Ripeness:Sort the figs based on ripeness. Use the ripest ones first and store those that are less ripe for later consumption. This helps prevent overripening and spoilage.
  6. Use airtight containers:While figs generally prefer some airflow, using airtight containers can be beneficial in controlling humidity and preventing the exchange of odors with other items in the refrigerator.
  7. Inspect Regularly:Periodically check stored figs for any signs of spoilage, such as mold or off smells. Remove any damaged figs promptly to prevent them from affecting the others.

The reason for exporting Kermanshah figs

The reasons for exporting figs from Kermanshah, Iran can be attributed to several factors:

  • Weather and soil conditions: Kermanshah benefits from favorable weather and soil conditions that are favorable for fig cultivation. The hot and dry climate of this region, along with the fertile soil, provides an ideal environment for growing high-quality figs.
  • Abundance of fig orchards: Kermanshah has a significant number of fig orchards, which contributes to the high production of figs in the region. The abundance of fig trees allows significant production of figs and makes them available for both domestic consumption and export.
  • Variety and quality: Kermanshah is known for producing different types of figs, each of which has its own unique taste, texture and food characteristics. The high quality of Kermanshah figs, whose distinctive features are sweetness, juiciness and rich taste, has made it desirable in the domestic and international markets.
  • Tradition and Expertise: Fig cultivation in Kermanshah has a long history and local farmers have gained significant expertise in fig cultivation techniques over generations. This tradition of fig cultivation, combined with modern farming practices, ensures the continued production of high quality figs that meet international standards.
  • Export demand: There is an increasing demand for Kermanshah figs in international markets due to its excellent quality and unique characteristics. The export of figs allows the farmers and producers of Kermanshahi to reach the global markets, increase their income and promote the economic growth of the region.

In conclusion, Kermanshah figs are a true treasure known for their exceptional flavor, culinary versatility, and cultural significance. Whether enjoyed fresh, incorporated into desserts, or paired with cheese and charcuterie, Kermanshah figs provide a sensory experience that reflects the rich heritage of the region. Indulging in the sweet and luscious goodness of Kermanshah figs is not only a delight for the taste buds but also an opportunity to appreciate the historical legacy and natural bounty of Kermanshah province