health benefits and culinary delights of the ancient fruit

Jujube, also known as red date, Chinese date, or Chinese jujubes, is a small, round fruit that is native to China. It is a member of the buckthorn family and is closely related to the common date.

power plantjujube

Jujubes are rich in essential nutrients that contribute to overall health. It is a rich source of vitamins C and A, which strengthens the immune system and promotes healthy skin. In addition, jujubes contain minerals such as iron, potassium and magnesium, which support the proper functioning of the body.

Health benefits

Jujubes consumption has many health benefits. Its antioxidant properties help fight free radicals and reduce oxidative stress, which may contribute to chronic diseases. Jujube is also known for its potential to improve digestion, increase sleep quality, and support cardiovascular health.

Traditional medicine

Jujube is used in traditional medicine because of its therapeutic effects. It is believed to have sedative properties that can reduce anxiety, stress and relaxation. Jujube extract and tea are often used to support liver health, regulate blood sugar levels, and reduce menstrual discomfort.

The joys of cooking

The unique sweet and slightly spicy taste of jujubes makes it a versatile ingredient in culinary creations. It can be eaten fresh as a healthy snack or used in various dishes. Jujube can be dried and added to trail mixes, baked goods, or brewed into a flavorful tea. It is also a popular ingredient in traditional Asian desserts and candies.

Jujubes in modern cooking

Check out the growing trend of jujubes inclusion in modern cuisine. Chefs and foodies alike are experimenting with jujube-infused sauces, dressings, and marinades to add a hearty flavor to savory dishes. Jujubes can also be used in jams, jellies and chutneys to create a unique flavor.

Sourcing and storage

When preparing jujubes, look for plump, unblemished fruits with vivid colors. Fresh jujube can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week. Dried jujubes, often available year-round, can be stored in a cool, dry place for several months.

The use of jujube in the treatment of diseases

  1. Anxiety and sleep disorders: Jujube has been suggested as a sedative and is often used in traditional medicine to help with anxiety and sleep disorders. Some studies show that some compounds in jujube may have a sedative effect and promote relaxation and better sleep.
  2. Digestive Health: Jujubes are traditionally used to improve digestion. It may have mild laxative properties and help relieve constipation. The fiber content in jujube may contribute to its digestive benefits.
  3. Antioxidant properties: Jujubes contains various compounds, including flavonoids and phenolics, which act as antioxidants. Antioxidants help neutralize free radicals in the body, potentially reducing oxidative stress and inflammation.
  4. Immune System Support: Some studies suggest that jujube may have immunomodulatory effects, meaning it can help regulate the immune system. It can help support the overall immune system.
  5. Blood sugar regulation: There is evidence that jujubes may help regulate blood sugar levels. Some compounds in jujube may have antidiabetic effects, but more research is needed.
  6. Cardiovascular health: Compounds in jujubes may have potential cardiovascular benefits. They can help regulate blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels, and support heart health.


  1. Appearance:
    • Fresh jujubes are small, oval-shaped, and have a smooth, shiny skin that turns from green to reddish-brown as they ripen.
    • Dried jujubes are dark red to black and wrinkled, with a chewy texture.
  2. Flavor:
    • Fresh jujubes have a crisp, apple-like texture and a sweet-tart flavor.
    • Dried jujubes are sweeter, similar to dates, and have a slightly tangy undertone.

Nutritional Benefits

  1. Vitamins and Minerals:
    • Rich in vitamin C, which supports immune function and skin health.
    • Contains vitamins A, B-complex (especially B2 and B3), and K.
    • High in essential minerals such as potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium, and phosphorus.
  2. Health Benefits:
    • Antioxidant Properties: High levels of antioxidants, including flavonoids and phenolic compounds, help combat oxidative stress and reduce inflammation.
    • Immune Support: The high vitamin C content boosts the immune system.
    • Digestive Health: Dietary fiber aids in digestion and promotes regular bowel movements.
    • Sleep Aid: Traditionally used to improve sleep quality and reduce anxiety.
    • Blood Health: Iron content supports healthy blood circulation and helps prevent anemia.

The use of jujube in tea

Also known as red date or Chinese date, jujube is often used in herbal teas and teas due to its health benefits and pleasant taste. Preparing jujube tea or as you mentioned “Damnoosh” is a simple and popular way to include this fruit in your diet. Here is a basic recipe for jujube tea:


Dried jujube fruit: 5-6 pcs
Water: 2 cups
Honey or sweetener of choice (optional)


Wash the dried jujubes fruits under cold water to remove any impurities.
In a small pot, mix dried jujube fruits with water.
Bring the water to a boil and then reduce the heat to a simmer.
Let the jujubes simmer in water for about 15 to 20 minutes to infuse their flavor into the liquid.
If you prefer a sweeter taste, you can add honey or any sweetener of your choice to the tea. Stir until dissolved.
Strain the tea to remove the jujubes or you can leave them inside if you wish.
Pour jujube tea into a cup and drink while it is hot.

Disadvantages of jujubes

  1. High Sugar Content: Jujube fruit contains natural sugars, primarily fructose and glucose. While these sugars are natural, consuming jujube excessively may contribute to increased sugar intake, which can be problematic for individuals with diabetes, insulin resistance, or those trying to manage their blood sugar levels.
  2. Caloric Density: Jujubes fruit is relatively high in calories compared to some other fruits. Consuming large quantities of jujube can contribute to overall calorie intake, which may lead to weight gain if not balanced with physical activity and a healthy diet.
  3. Allergic Reactions: Although rare, some individuals may experience allergic reactions to jujubes fruit. Symptoms may include itching, swelling, hives, or in severe cases, anaphylaxis. People with known allergies to other fruits should exercise caution when trying jujube for the first time.
  4. Seed Presence: Jujubes fruit contains small, hard seeds that are not typically consumed due to their tough texture. Accidentally swallowing jujube seeds may pose a choking hazard, especially for young children or individuals with swallowing difficulties.
  5. Potential Interactions with Medications: Jujubes fruit may interact with certain medications, particularly those metabolized by the liver. Individuals taking medications should consult their healthcare provider before consuming jujube regularly to avoid potential interactions.
  6. Digestive Issues: Some people may experience digestive discomfort such as bloating, gas, or diarrhea after consuming jujube fruit, especially if eaten in large quantities or if they have sensitive digestive systems.

While these potential disadvantages exist, they are typically minor and do not outweigh the health benefits of consuming jujube fruit in moderation as part of a balanced diet. As with any food, it’s essential to be mindful of portion sizes and individual tolerance levels.

Recipe inspiration

Discover exciting jujubes recipes that highlight the fruit’s flavor and versatility. From jujube smoothies and salads to jujube-stuffed chicken and sweet treats, there are endless possibilities to discover and enjoy the good taste of jujube.

Jujubes are a treasure trove of nutrition, health benefits and culinary potential. Whether fresh, dried or incorporated into various dishes, this ancient fruit adds a delightful touch to your meals while nourishing your body. Embrace the goodness of jujube and unlock its many wonders in your culinary adventures.

Today, you can order the premium jujubes you want from Zarin Tejarat Company and enjoy the magic of this extraordinary fruit. Let the enchanting taste of jujubes take you to a world of culinary pleasure.


Jujube properties for colds

Jujubes, also known as red date or Chinese date, is believed to have several properties that may help with colds and respiratory issues:

  • Boosting Immunity: Jujube fruits are rich in vitamin C, which is known to strengthen the immune system. A strong immune system can help the body fight off cold viruses more effectively.
  • Antioxidant Effects: Jujubes contain antioxidants that help reduce oxidative stress in the body. This can contribute to overall health and may alleviate symptoms associated with colds.
  • Anti-inflammatory Properties: Some studies suggest that jujube extracts have anti-inflammatory effects, which can help reduce inflammation in the respiratory tract and ease symptoms of colds and coughs.
  • Cough Relief: Jujube is often used in traditional medicine to soothe coughs and throat irritation. Its natural soothing properties may help alleviate cough symptoms associated with colds.
  • Rich in Nutrients: Jujube fruits contain various vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that support overall health. Consuming jujubes may provide the body with the necessary nutrients to combat cold symptoms and recover faster.

While jujube may offer potential benefits for colds, it’s important to remember that it’s not a substitute for medical treatment. If you have a cold or any other respiratory illness, it’s advisable to seek advice from a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Properties of jujube for men

  1. Boosting energy: Jujubes are rich in carbohydrates and natural sugars, providing a quick energy boost, which can be beneficial for men, especially before workouts or strenuous activities.
  2. Supporting heart health: Consuming jujubes may help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, thus supporting heart health. Maintaining a healthy heart is crucial for men’s overall well-being.
  3. Enhancing immune system: Jujubes contain vitamin C and other antioxidants that strengthen the immune system, helping men fight off illnesses and infections more effectively.
  4. Improving sleep quality: Jujubes are known for their calming properties, which can help promote better sleep quality. Good sleep is essential for men’s physical and mental health.
  5. Managing stress and anxiety: Jujubes have been traditionally used in Chinese medicine to reduce stress and anxiety. Men facing high levels of stress or anxiety may benefit from incorporating jujubes into their diet or consuming jujube-based supplements.
  6. Promoting digestive health: Jujubes are a good source of dietary fiber, which aids in digestion and helps prevent constipation. Maintaining a healthy digestive system is important for men’s overall health and well-being.
  7. Supporting reproductive health: Some studies suggest that jujubes may have aphrodisiac properties and could potentially support male reproductive health. However, more research is needed to fully understand this benefit.